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Asset-Based Lending

Get personalized and flexible support for your business

Asset-Based Lending

Tailored support for your business needs

If your business needs liquidity through asset utilization, it's crucial to partner with skilled experts who can promptly and effectively meet your needs. Our First Bank Asset-Based Lending team offers comprehensive capital resources, flexible asset financing options, and caring expertise to help you achieve your goals. As your needs evolve, we're here to provide the support and capabilities to drive your business's growth and success.

Tailored support for your business needs
Flexible asset-based solutions for: Experienced team with
  • Inventory, receivables financing
  • Seasonal, cyclical, and concentration needs
  • Funding growth and acquisitions
  • Capital investments and improvements
  • Recapitalizations
  • Funding for equipment and real estate
  • Lender Financing
  • Tailored financing solutions for your business needs
  • Renowned and responsive financial expertise
  • Personalized focus on execution.
Already a First Bank Client?
Access our Solifi Borrower Portal:

Inventory, receivables financing Seasonal, cyclical, and concentration needs Funding growth and acquisitions Capital investments and improvements Recapitalizations Funding for equipment and real estate Lender Financing

Experienced team with:

  • Tailored financing solutions for your business needs
  • Renowned and responsive financial expertise
  • Personalized focus on execution.

Already a First Bank Client?Access our Solifi Borrower Portal:

Experienced team with:

Industry-specific solutions

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Transportation and Logistics Wholesale and Retail
  • Tailored solutions for producers, wholesalers, and distributors.
  • Financing options for inventory, receivables, equipment, and real estate Capabilities to meet the needs of your business
  • Working capital financing for liquidity needs.
  • Funding solutions for capital expenditures, real estate
  • Financing for transportation and warehousing equipment like vehicles and machinery
  • Managing seasonal and regional demand fluctuations.
  • Working capital solutions
  • Real estate financing
  • Inventory and receivables financing
  • Ability to handle seasonal and regional demand fluctuations.
  • Warehouse, facility, and equipment funding

Tailored solutions for producers, wholesalers, and distributors. Financing options for inventory, receivables, equipment, and real estate Capabilities to meet the needs of your business


  • Working capital financing for liquidity needs.
  • Funding solutions for capital expenditures, real estate

Transportation and Logistics:

Financing for transportation and warehousing equipment like vehicles and machinery Managing seasonal and regional demand fluctuations. Working capital solutions Real estate financing

Wholesale and Retail:

Inventory and receivables financing Ability to handle seasonal and regional demand fluctuations. Warehouse, facility, and equipment funding

Meet local experts

Michael Maiorino

Michael Maiorino

President of Asset Based Lending 

(609) 528-4175
Donna Calderaro

Donna Calderaro

SVP/ABL Business Development Officer

(973) 769-9818
Carrie Squeo

Carrie Squeo

SVP/Chief Administrative Officer of Asset Based Lending

(973) 933-4205
Terrence Ryan

Terrence Ryan

FVP/ABL Relationship Manager

(609) 532-9485
Laurie Gibeau

Laurie Gibeau

VP/ABL Collateral Control Manager

(973) 933-4208
Lina Christian

Lina Christian

AVP/ABL Loan Administrator

(609) 643-4903

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