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Relationship Checking Account

Not just a checking account. It's a checking relationship

Relationship Checking Account

Keep a $1,000 balance. Reap the benefits

For customers keeping a balance of $1,000 or more*, First Bank has Relationship Checking, which gives greater benefits and flexibility.

Open an Account
  • Safe deposit box discounts ($15 annually)
  • Free cashier’s checks and money orders
  • Unlimited check writing
  • Free telephone banking
  • Free stop payments
  • No monthly fee with a minimum balance of $1000*
  • Free online banking & bill pay
  • Better money market rates


*Service Fee of $25 per month if balance falls below $1,000 

Relationship Checking Customers Get Free GenGold Member Rewards

From travel to identity theft protection, to restaurants and health and wellness, this exclusive program is a great way to get discounts on products and services you and your family use daily.

Relationship Checking Customers Get Free GenGold Member Rewards

See Relationship Money Market, too.

Competitive rate of return, Debit cards, free online banking, and more. Learn more about our Relationship Money Market account or contact a banking expert to learn more.

See Relationship Money Market, too.

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