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Personal Savings & Money Market Accounts

Boost your savings the way you want

Personal Savings & Money Market Accounts

Saving options to explore

Review the First Bank savings options and decide what’s right for you and your family right now. We’ll walk you through the details and be there when you need more.

Saving options to explore
Savings Account Features Great Fit For
Statement Savings
  • Earn interest
  • $100 minimum to open
  • Free online banking
Anyone looking for simple, flexible savings
Personal Money Market
  • Earn interest
  • Free online banking
  • Debit card
When you want flexible savings with high returns
Relationship Money Market
  • Earn interest
  • Higher rates for Relationship Checking customers
  • Debit card
Relationship Checking account customers who want a higher rate of return
  • Higher returns
  • Minimum $500 deposit
If you are saving for something big in the future

Statement Savings


  • Earn interest
  • $100 minimum to open
  • Free online banking

Great Fit For:

Anyone looking for simple, flexible savings

Personal Money Market


  • Earn interest
  • Free online banking
  • Debit card

Great Fit For:

When you want flexible savings with high returns

Relationship Money Market


  • Earn interest
  • Higher rates for Relationship Checking customers
  • Debit card

Great Fit For:

Relationship Checking account customers who want a higher rate of return



  • Higher returns
  • Minimum $500 deposit

Great Fit For:

If you are saving for something big in the future

Statement Savings Account

For just $100, First Bank's Statement Savings account offers a flexible way to save. Get a debit card for easy access to your funds and enjoy FREE online banking to manage your finances effortlessly.

Statement Savings Account

Personal Money Market Account

First Bank's Money Market accounts provide the perfect blend of flexibility and competitive returns. Benefit from check writing, a Debit card, and FREE online banking for easy fund management. Interest rates vary based on your balance tiers.

Personal Money Market Account

Relationship Money Market Account

Upgrade to a Relationship Money Market account with First Bank for higher rates, a competitive return Debit card, free online/mobile banking, and expert support. Interest rates vary based on your balance across different tiers.

Relationship Money Market Account

Certificate of Deposit and IRA Accounts

Save and watch your money flourish with a First Bank CD account for better returns and minimal risk. Our team is ready to help you achieve your financial goals.

Certificate of Deposit and IRA Accounts

Looking for a loan?

Looking for the right loan? Look no further! We're here to help with care and expertise. Explore our lending options and get to know our team.

Looking for a loan?

Mobile banking at its best

Manage your finances effortlessly with the First Bank app. Everything you need is just a click away in the palm of your hand. It's quick, simple, and secure!

Mobile banking at its best

Online banking all the way

Online banking is a must-have, not just a nice-to-have. We've got your back, so you can bank securely and easily wherever you are.

Online banking all the way

Personal checking is waiting for you

Count on us as your go-to for personal banking needs! Explore our range of personal checking accounts to find the perfect fit for you.

Personal checking is waiting for you
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