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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a very small text file sent by a web server and stored on your hard drive, your computer's memory or in your browser so that it can be read back later. Cookies cannot "read" information about you from your computer or be used to "steal" information about you. Cookies do not carry viruses. Cookies are a basic way for a server to identify you (most cookies identify the computer you happen to be using at the time, not you personally). Cookies are used for many things from personalizing start up pages to facilitating online purchases. Cookies help sites recognize return visitors and they perform a very important function when you engage in secure Internet Banking. For your security, we do not store any of your personal information in our cookies. The cookies used in our Internet Banking service and Portal are further described below.

Online Banking Cookies

First Bank's website and online banking platforms (Retail Online and Business Online) use encrypted cookies that do not pass to your computer's hard drive. Instead, the cookie is stored in your computer's memory, identifying only your computer while you are logged on. Only First Bank's website and online banking platforms can read the information in these cookies. Use of cookies allows Retail Online and Business Online banking platforms to process multiple transactions during your session without requiring you to reenter your passcode for each individual transaction. The cookies for Online Banking simply provide another level of security for our Online Banking service. When you log off, or close your browser, the cookie is destroyed. A new cookie is used for each session. That way, no one can use the prior cookie to access your account. For additional security, the cookie expires after 10 minutes of inactivity. It must then be renewed by reentering your passcode. First Bank and Retail Online and Business Online banking platforms do not (and cannot) use this cookie to collect or obtain new personal information about you. You must allow your browser to accept this cookie so you can use the Online Banking service.

Collected Information

We may collect information regarding your mobile device such as device settings, unique device identifiers, information about your location, and analytical information that may assist with diagnostics and performance. For your convenience, you may be asked to grant permission for access to your mobile device's geolocation data. This information may be collected when you use certain services that are dependent on your mobile device's location (such as the location of an ATM or in store transactions).

Disclosure of Information

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our clients, former clients, web site visitors or portal visitors to anyone, except as permitted by law.

We must provide certain client account information to service providers such as Retail Online and Business Online banking platforms so that we may process your Internet banking transactions.

In the future, we may disclose a portion of the aggregate client information that we collect on the Portal to companies or financial institutions that perform marketing services on our behalf. We have such an agreement with Retail Online and Business Online banking platforms and our marketing service providers. Our contract with these parties requires them to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. The disclosure of certain aggregate information to these companies or other companies could help us market financial products and services that may be of particular interest to you or save you money.

E-mail Policies

In the future we may send you email notices for certain disclosures only if you provide prior affirmative consent to receive those documents electronically. We may also send you emails to market our products and services that may be of interest to you. We may also provide you an opportunity to subscribe to a newsletter; however, we will always provide you an opportunity to unsubscribe from these advertising emails as required by law. First Bank's website and online banking platforms may send these emails as an agent on our behalf.

External 3rd Party Links

There are multiple third-party links on our website. Examples include the following: The social media icons are linked to their coordinating websites. We also have links to Google maps and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). You will always be notified if a link connects you to a third-party site and will be given an opportunity to return to the previous page.

Except for our service provider, Retail Online and Business Online banking platforms, if you click on a link to a third-party website, you will leave First Bank's site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website. If you have questions or concerns about the privacy policies and practices of these third parties, please review their web sites and contact them directly.

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You are leaving First Bank site to visit a site not hosted by First Bank. Please review the third-party’s privacy policy, accessibility policy, and terms. First Bank is not responsible for the content provided by third-party sites.