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Business Escrow Checking Account

Keep client and business funds separate

Business Escrow Checking Account

No minimum balance or fees. All you need
to manage
client funds

It’s never been easier to safeguard client funds from your business finances using Escrow Management Accounts.

Discover the three key types for separating client funds:

  • IOLTA (Interest of Lawyers Trust Accounts)
  • Master with Sub-accounting
  • Landlord Security Accounts

Maintain a master account with separate sub-accounts for clients. No minimum balance or monthly fees required!

  • One single master checking account
  • Great for attorneys, landlords, realtors
  • Client sub-accounts (earn interest individually)
  • No minimum balance & no monthly fees

Business banking on the go

Keep an eye on your daily business expenses and finances – from anywhere with FirstBankOntheGo (FBOntheGo). Our user-friendly mobile app allows you to handle everything from your smartphone, with account features and card management controls you trust in one handy app.

Business banking on the go

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Save for big things

Get the savings your business needs with flexible options and reliable, friendly support.

There’s something right for your business.

Save for big things

Put your money to work

When your business is growing and you need help with financing, big projects, or new investments, we are your go-to partner. Talk to an expert for options.

Put your money to work

Simplify Merchant Services

We partner with Clover to make your payment processing and management flawless and simple.

Simplify Merchant Services

Other Important Information

All First Bank Checking accounts come with free online banking, bill pay, telephone banking, a free Visa debit card, and mobile banking with mobile deposit.

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