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Digital Banking

Bank anytime, anywhere

Digital Banking

Online. Apps. Phones. You have it all

When you need your banking account information, we've got you covered. Whether online, on the go, or on the phone, you can easily and securely access your accounts.

Online. Apps. Phones. You have it all
Online banking

Online banking

No matter where you are, find your First Bank account details online. Secure, convenient and available 24/7.

Mobile banking

Mobile banking

Get the First Bank On-the-go mobile app and manage all your banking needs from your phone or tablet. First Bank goes where you go.

Telephone banking

Telephone banking

Access telephone banking service for quick updates on your accounts. Transfer funds, check balances, and explore loan options—all with a touch-tone phone.

Personal savings

Save up for that perfect moment, trip, occasion, or dream. Choose the option that suits your saving style best.

Personal savings

Personal lending

Finding the perfect loan requires someone who cares and specializes, qualities you'll find with us. Check out our lending options and meet our team.

Personal lending

Experience the difference

Why work with First Bank? Because we care about you and our community. See why so many local businesses and people trust us for financial needs.

Experience the difference

Personal checking

Explore our personal checking accounts for all your banking needs. Find your perfect fit with us!

Personal checking
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