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Business Checking

Keep business checking in check

Business Checking

Compare Business Checking Options

Explore and compare First Bank’s business checking accounts, and choose what’s right for your business. If you need support deciding, our friendly team is always available and ready to help.

Checking Account Features Great Fit For
Business First Checking
  • $1,000 minimum balance*
  • 200 free monthly transactions**
New businesses or small businesses
Commercial Analysis Checking
  • No minimum balance
  • $30 monthly service fee
  • Earnings credit to help offset fees
Higher transaction and higher balance businesses
Nonprofit Checking
  • Earn interest*
  • No minimum balance
  • No monthly fee
Nonprofit organizations
Escrow Checking
  • No minimum balance
  • No monthly fees
IOLTA, landlords and subaccounts

Business First Checking


  • $1,000 minimum balance*
  • 200 free monthly transactions**

Great Fit For:

New businesses or small businesses

Commercial Analysis Checking


  • No minimum balance
  • $30 monthly service fee
  • Earnings credit to help offset fees

Great Fit For:

Higher transaction and higher balance businesses

Nonprofit Checking


  • Earn interest*
  • No minimum balance
  • No monthly fee

Great Fit For:

Nonprofit organizations

Escrow Checking


  • No minimum balance
  • No monthly fees

Great Fit For:

IOLTA, landlords and subaccounts

All First Bank Checking accounts come with free online banking, bill pay, telephone banking, a free Visa debit card, and mobile banking with mobile deposit.

Business First Checking Account

Looking for a convenient, reliable, and flexible business checking option? Check out First Bank's Business First Checking account, designed for your growing business. Enjoy a low balance requirement, 200 free transactions (including checks, deposits, and deposited items), and easy access to your cash with your business debit card.

Business First Checking Account

Commercial Analysis Checking Account

First Bank's Commercial Analysis Checking Account is perfect for businesses handling a high transaction volume or larger deposit balances. You'll enjoy Business Debit cards, online banking, e-statements, and bill payment perks. Maximize your earnings credits by smartly linking account balances. Gain rewards, convenient fund access, and support from our experienced bankers who truly care.

Commercial Analysis Checking Account

Nonprofit Checking Account

First Bank’s Nonprofit Checking Account is perfect for community-focused organizations. We're all about community support, providing a business debit card, competitive interest rates, no service fees, and no minimum balance.

Nonprofit Checking Account

Escrow Checking Account

Separate client funds from your business finances with Escrow Management Accounts. Adapt to your clients' needs by maintaining a master account with individual subaccounts. Best of all, there are no minimum balances or monthly fees required.

Escrow Checking Account

Other Important Information

*A $10 fee will be imposed if the balance falls below $1000 on any day of the month
** A $.75 fee will be assessed for each additional item

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