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Special Promotions

3.90% APY* Money Market Account

Take Your Earnings to the Next Level

Unlock higher returns with a Money Market Account.

  • $2,500 Minimum Balance to Earn Stated APY
  • Available for Businesses and Consumers
3.90% APY* Money Market Account

Other Important Information

*The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 3.90% is accurate as of 9/18/2024 and subject to change without notice. Available for businesses and consumers. Rates may change at any time after account opening. $2,500 minimum deposit required to open the Money Market Account. To earn the advertised rate, funds to open the account must be New-to-First Bank money; Funds transferred or withdrawn from an existing First Bank account and redeposited in the new account are not considered New-to-First Bank funds. First Bank reserves the right to limit the number of accounts opened. Daily balance of $2,500 or more must be maintained to earn stated APY. A $15 monthly maintenance fee will be assessed if the daily balance falls below $2,500 during a statement cycle. During any statement cycle you may not make more than 6 (six) withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, computer transfer, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to a third party. Fees may reduce earnings. This offer may be extended, modified, or discontinued at any time.

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